Becoming Conscious

Words dance in my head and then settle on the page. I wonder about their purpose and if there would be any need for them if they did not exist to label the world around us. Placing it in perfectly identifiable and systemised boxes. We need these boxes, don’t we?

We need to know, we need to understand, we need to control. We need them to solidify our own existence.

I have spent 10 years labeling myself #korynnmorrisonartist #artist #contemporaryartist #painter #australianartist #abstractartist, and I've come to realise just how restrictive these labels have become. So, I decided to get rid of them completely. I removed them so that I can step unapologetically into the unknown and intentionally direct my attention inward where curiosity can take the lead.

Listen to the latest episode of the Daring Creatively Podcast.

The world of social media profits off our attention and is fuelled by our fundamental need to belong. It forces us to remain constantly outside of ourselves and always one step ahead of the present moment. Our time spent operating from a place of comparison leaving our reality held in contrast with another's perfectly curated grid.

“I am here!” It declares, with duck lips and the perfect filter. ”I belong here with all the other #artists!”

All humans have two needs, the need to self express and be authentic and the need to belong. But when self expression threatens belonging, belonging usually wins.

-Gabor Maté

When I was a child the world felt bigger. Car trips would tick over one second at a time as entire experiences were swallowed and embodied in awe. Everything was a question to be experienced as a new adventure. Curiosity is what keeps us alive, hungry and yet it is the need to know, understand, and label that prevents expansion and makes our world smaller.

Can we exist in the unknown?

How would we navigate our reality if there was no need to share it with thousands of onlookers?

What kind of work would I create if nobody was watching?

I hit “DELETE” on social media, and in doing so have begun to ritualise presence

The smallest daily actions have become opportunities to become conscious once again. A simple morning coffee has become an opportunity to sit with Self and observe my home. My morning pages have become a sanctuary for my thoughts. Time spent with my daughter has reminded me that I am forever a student. Long studio sessions have become a ritual of play, and because my attention is no longer taken captive by the algorithm, I have been able to hold space for those around me who need my support.

When we create a ritual of living life, it truly loves us back.

Our home vibe featuring artworks by Mitchell Cheesman (left), Matt Bromhead (center), Ana Young (right)

This is a more abstract approach to living. There are less edges and no need to break connection in order to fuel the beast. No need to spend hours editing videos in order to park them on someone else’s front lawn. Everything exists within a continuum, one area of life informing the next, just like a work of art.

We spend our lives looking for a place of belonging, and at some point we need to become a place of welcome.

-Francis Weller

Consider this space a blank canvas for us to navigate what is endless. To create genuine connection and unfiltered conversations in the comments below. Here I will show up as all of me, unlabelled and unfiltered, I only ask that you show up as all of you.

Join the conversation below.

Help me build this sacred space,

Join the journey, find your place.

Create space, let presence grow,

A warm hug whispers, "Welcome home."


Until next time friends,

Korynn xx


A Letter from Joi