Echo: An Invitation To Sit With Self.

Echo is a contemplative journey delving into the intricacies of existence and our connection with the tapestry of our internal landscape.

There was once a time when the unknown was not something to be feared or controlled, but the ultimate adventure to be embraced with all of our senses. It is within this unknown that the infinite resides.

Morrison’s debut solo exhibition is an invitation to sit with self. An acknowledgement that honors all of our parts and embraces our inner world with a warm hug that whispers, “welcome home.”

Thank you to everyone who came to support the exhibition at Curatorial + Co.

Becoming Conscious


I hit “DELETE” on social media, and in doing so have begun to ritualise presence

The smallest daily actions have become opportunities to become conscious once again. A simple morning coffee has become an opportunity to sit with Self and observe my home. My morning pages have become a sanctuary for my thoughts. Time spent with my daughter has reminded me that I am forever a student. Long studio sessions have become a ritual of play, and because my attention is no longer taken captive by the algorithm, I have been able to hold space for those around me who need my support.

When we create a ritual of living life, it truly loves us back.